Reduce Building Costs

Go beyond just energy savings and the guarantee of meeting any requirement.


Remove Costly Re-testing

The average cost to hire a certified blower door technician is $450. The cost of failure quickly drives up fees.


Lower Labor Costs

Remove the guesswork and complete your air sealing in a third of the time it would take with traditional hand sealing.


Get a True R-Value

Removing air leakage allows insulation to perform as it was designed. Get more out of your fiberglass or spray foam insulation.


Enhance Renewables

Reducing energy demand reduces the amount of solar panels required to offset utility bills. The average cost of a single solar panel is $535.


Right Size Mechanicals

A tightly sealed home allows a smaller HVAC system and ductwork. A reduction of just 0.5 tons can save you more than $800.

 Labor Can Be Unpredictable


AeroBarrier removes the labor inconsistencies of time and quality, placing air sealing in a single, guaranteed process.

With an average of 22 sub-contractors involved in a single build, it becomes difficult to manage air sealing from start to finish. Tight schedules and miscommunication increase the odds of penetrations not being sealed prior to surfaces being installed, making them inaccessible.

It can be applied at any stage of the build and correct any missed sealing in just a few hours –even leaks in inaccessible areas, with precision. Worry free, guaranteed air sealing results in up to 1/3 of the time it would usually take.

  • reduces labor costs on the front end

  • removes costly rework on the back end

  • removes the cost of additional compliance attempts

  • removes the worry of holding costs for not meeting deadlines

 Enhance Your Insulation Package


AeroBarrier’s guaranteed air sealing lets your insulation materials perform as they were designed.

Removing air leakage is key to the performance of any insulation. If outside temperatures can flow freely into a wall/floor/roof system, then the “true” R-Value is diminished. AeroBarrier allows any insulation material you use to perform better, even spray foam.

You can begin to rethink which insulation material you require to still offer an energy efficient home. Fiberglass becomes more efficient and cost-effective than ever after AeroBarrier has been applied. With open cell spray foam being two to three times the cost of fiberglass, switching from spray foam to an AeroBarrier/fiberglass insulation package can save builders more than $2,500 alone. The savings are even greater when compared to closed cell spray foam. And if you still prefer spray foam, AeroBarrier complements it perfectly by addressing all the air leakage still left behind.

 Rethink How You Build


AeroBarrier’s guaranteed air sealing lets your insulation materials perform as they were designed.

These are savings you can both recover and pass along to your homeowners for a more attractive offer.

A tighter home, that can be controlled through mechanical ventilation, such as ERV’s or HRV’s, offers many cost saving benefits. Right off the top, you will be able to shave off the tonnage on HVAC equipment and reduce the duct work size. A reduction in just 0.5 tons for an HVAC system can save over $800 per build.

Additionally, heating and cooling is a home’s largest energy consumer. Reducing the Air Changes per Hour (ACH) by properly air sealing and using mechanical ventilations offers significant drops in energy consumption. Less energy consumption equals less solar panels required to offset utility costs, meaning you can lessen the number of panels necessary. Each solar panel will save you $535 on average plus labor costs associated. Furthermore, significantly reducing energy consumption by air sealing with AeroBarrier Connect makes the offer of net metering more practical than ever.

Contact us to learn more